Many of my friends have complimented me on my blog, and expressed the desire to do the same. That’s why I decided to write this post to share some tips and tricks of the trade. So here goes:
1.Choosing a blogging platform:
To begin with, choose a blog platform that you find comfortable and interesting. Play around with the options before finalizing on any one. Blogger and WordPress are good to begin with.
2.Choose the theme of your blog:
Once you finalize the platform, decide the theme of your blog: whether you are going to write on sports, technology, literature, spirituality, or are you simply going to write about your experiences and thoughts. Trust me, deciding the theme beforehand, definitely simplifies the writing process.
3.Play around with the appearance to get the feel:
Most people feel that once you create a blog, you ought to start writing blog posts. I beg to differ. In my experience, I enjoy playing around with templates and widgets to get the feel of the blog, and then start the actual writing. This gives me a sense of ownership of the blog, and thus makes the writing experience much more enjoyable.
4.Begin the writing process:
Now for the crucial part – the actual writing process. Start with the topic that you know well, or are really passionate about. You must be wanting to share something with your readers. Do not be in a hurry to finish off this task. Take your own time, think extensively before you write, brainstorm, write, and review. That’s it. Simple isn’t it?
5.Keep it simple:
One of the common mistakes among new bloggers (including me) is that we tend to express our ideas in a complicated way. Since we have to say so many things, we tend to just go on and on and on. This leads to lessened interest in our posts, as reading long sentences on the PC is a bit tiresome. So say whatever you want in a simple, crisp, and precise way.
6.Express one idea in one paragraph:
Whenever you want to write a post that would consist of more than one ideas, always express each idea in a new paragraph. This helps the reader to keep track of what is being said easily.
7.Be interactive:
Always remember that there is a human being that is going to read your posts. Make sure that your posts are interactive in nature, like a general conversation. This lends a sense of involvement for your readers, and enhances their reading experience.
8.Use the active voice:
Use the active and direct sentence construction to increase readability and understanding of your post. Inactive voice or indirect speech often form a tedious reading experience. For instance, use the active voice is easier to understand than the active voice should be used.
9.Use visual indicators as much as possible:
Make use of as much images and graphics, maps, charts, and so on as needed to assist the reader in understanding of what is being said. Visual aids help a lot in conveying the meaning correctly. Just make sure that you do not clutter your blog.
10.Explore, Experiment, Enjoy:
Blogging is a platform which lets you express your creativity and thought process. It is an on-going process. Make the most of it. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Explore different options, experiment with them, and make sure you enjoy the process.
That’s all for now. If you need any more help, feel free to contact me. Till then, Happy Blogging!
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